Menes' Portfolio

a orange wolf surrounded by water and flames

About Me

Hello stranger, my name is Menes and I am a up and coming web developer based in Michigan. If you look below you can see some projects I've worked on previously. If you want to get in contact with me you can also find that information below as well.


Pre-work Study Guide

This is where my coding journey began. I know it don't look like much but we all gotta start somewhere. Through this project I learned a little bit about: HTML, CSS, JavaScript and GIT & Github.

Project preview

Portfolio Webpage

The second project is this here webpage, my Portfolio. Through this I learned how to better utilize CSS. This project will always improve as I do.

Time traveler

This was my first group project where I worked with 4 others. Through this I learn that communication is key and silence for any reason can equal failure.

Project preview

Portfolio Webpage

The second project is this here webpage, my Portfolio. Through this I learned how to better utilize CSS. This project will always improve as I do.

Contact Me

My Email

Phone: (313) 740-9700