Welcome to my site!

⯆ Find out more about me & my works below ⯆

Hello! I'm Menes Taylor.

Just kicking off my coding journey here in Michigan, where the weather's as unpredictable as debugging code. I've got a long road ahead, but I'm genuinely excited about the twists and turns this path might take me on.
Coding's pretty new to me, but I'm already hooked. It's like learning a new language that lets you chat with computers. And honestly, seeing my code come to life is kind of magical.
My portfolio? It's a mix of my beginnings, experiments, and dreams. It's where I'm stashing all the cool things I'm learning and creating along the way (it will be, at least).
Drop by, take a look, and let's share this adventure.

All images below are clickable links!

Prework Study Guide

This study guide was pretty much my coding debut! I had a guiding hand throughout the whole process, but I really think it was an awesome starting point. It let me get cozy with the fundamentals of website creation.

Horiseon Job

In this project, we dove into sprucing up an already existing website, kind of like giving it a digital makeover. Our mission? Leave it way better than we found it. This meant playing around with the contrast to make everything pop, mending any links that led to nowhere, tossing in some image descriptions for clarity, and sprinkling in some SEO magic. Plus, we made sure to ramp up its accessibility features, making the site more welcoming for everyone. It was like being digital handymen, tweaking and polishing until everything shined just right.


So, you're browsing through my second portfolio right now, you can see the first one above. I was pretty excited about this one – a step up from my very first one, but definitely not my final masterpiece! I'm already dreaming about the next one, aiming to fill it with even cooler projects. That being said, I'm still pretty proud of what I've accomplished so far. It's like watching my skills grow in real-time, and I can't wait to see where they take me next. Stick around, the best is yet to come!

⯆ Let's get in touch ⯆

Feel free to reach out to me through any of methods below!